
February 23, 2021

Nearshore Agile Development: Leveraging the Right Methodology

We check some of the key benefits of working with Nearshore Agile Development teams and the agile/scrum methodology.

Which project management “methodology” is ideal for your next project?

A look at nearshore agile development. 

What is the “agile” methodology? 

A nearshore agile development methodology is an approach to project management within the DevOps community. The methodology is defined by completing specific, single projects one at a time rather than having lengthy critical path methods that can become overwhelming. Each feature specific to the project is addressed under a timeline, which are referred to as “sprints” 

An “agile” team must be self-sufficient and cross-functional in nature and can vary in size, usually below 20. The team works together to complete software applications as a group via each sprint. A demo is usually presented following the sprint completion. Constant adaptations of the software are expected throughout this process and feedback is freely given from stakeholders on  a very frequent basis. This process allows for the software being developed to have a strong level of functionality.

nearshore agile development

Nearshore Agile Development & Scrum 

Scrum ensures that timelines are met and key deliverables are accounted for. Common members of a scrum team are the scrum master and product owner(s). The scrum master generally will facilitate the entire process and ensures the team is on a critical path to completion. The product owner is generally responsible for being a liaison to the client and the team. The product owner takes feature requests, lists challenges/concerns and ensures the deliverables at hand are correct and then prioritizes those key items. 

Some additional specialties on the nearshore agile development team could be designers, the analytics team, devops, and quality assurance. The team is certainly not limited to this, but could be expected on a typical agile project. 

As stated before, frequent feedback is important to the success of an agile development team. This feedback is facilitated through consistent and ongoing meetings that usually include daily standups, sprint planning sessions, demos, and follow up meetings to touch on what transpired from a retrospective standpoint. 

Other team members of an agile team can vary, but they typically include users from a variety of disciplines, such as design, analytics, QA, and development. These individuals collaborate together to decide on how much work to take on and how they will complete it.

nearshore agile development

Benefits of Agile 

Here are some of the key benefits of working with an agile team: 

  • Collaboration is more likely due to the structure of the team 
  • Customer satisfaction is improved due to the frequent feedback 
  • It fosters innovation/constant improvement 
  • Lower costs 
  • Products can be adapted quickly at low opportunity costs 
  • Product development takes an adaptive design approach

Challenges (few and far between)

  • Bringing new developers on a nearshore agile development team can be a difficult integration, but it is certainly not uncommon for this to happen. 
  • Scale needs specific considerations and adaptations 

Explore agile for your firm 

In the environment we’re in today that requires swift scale and innovation, agile methodology is likely the most promising route to project management. ArkusNexus can provide the ability to develop at a unique and competitive pace. 

Learn about how ArkusNexus leverages agile

Case Study from Arkusnexus

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